Réka Horeczki
research fellow
Transdanubian Research Institute
- University of Pécs
Faculty of Business and Economics
MSc in Economics
- University of Pécs
Doctoral School of Regional Policy and Economics
PhD in Economics
2013 - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
Institute for Regional Studies
Higher education activities
2012 - University of Pécs
Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development
external lecturer
2016 - University of Pécs
Faculty of Business and Economics
external lecturer
Research areas
small town development
urban-rural dichotomy
2023A szegénység kisvárosi dimenziói Magyarországon
2022Innovative and Sustainable Cultural Heritage for Local Development in the Face of Territorial Imbalance
2021Does the development history influence how we think about small towns?
2020Kisvárosi fejlődési utak. A dél-dunántúli kisvárosok helye és szerepe a térség hosszú távú gazdasági és társadalmi változásaiban
2018Considering the Linkage Between the Theory of Trust and Classical Rural Sociology’s Concepts
2017Changing settlement networks in Central and Eastern Europe with special regard to urban networks
2014Socio-cultural cleavages in Europe
Study trips
Conference lectures
Language skills
2022Excellent Young Regionalist Award