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Zsibók Zsuzsanna

senior research fellow

email cím

saját weboldal

Studies Studies

2005 - University of Pécs
Faculty of Business and Economics
economist, financial instruments and institutions specialisation

2005 - University of Pécs
Faculty of Business and Economics
English-Hungarian specialised translator

2005 - University of Pécs
Faculty of Business and Economics
chartered accountant

2009 - University of Pécs
Doctoral School of Business Administration

2013 - University of Pécs
Doctoral School of Business Administration
PhD degree

Workplaces Workplaces

2008 - University of Pécs
Faculty of Business and Economics
Doctoral School of Business Administration
PhD student

2008 - University of Pécs
Faculty of Business and Economics
Centre for Economic Policy Research
research assistant

2007 - National Bank of Hungary
visitor researcher

2013 - HAS Centre for Regional Studies
Transdanubian Research Institute
junior research fellow

2023 - HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
Institute for Regional Studies
Transdanubian Research Department
research fellow

2023 - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
Institute for Regional Studies
Transdanubian Research Department
senior research fellow

Higher education activities Higher education activities

2013 - University of Pécs
Faculty of Business and Economics

2013 - University of Pécs
Illyés Gyula Faculty

Research areas Research areas

spatial inequalities, territorial dynamics

spatial policy, exploring and assessing territorial cohesion

spatial dynamics and spatial policy in the United Kingdom

territorial inequalities of monetary processes in Hungary and the European Union

Publications Publications

Full list of publications and citations: Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára

Study trips Study trips

Conference lectures Conference lectures

Territorial Cohesion in Europe. International Conference for the 70th Anniversary of the Transdanubian Research Institute, Pécs — Magyarország

The 5th International Conference on Regional Disparities, Kolozsvár — Románia

RSA Annual Conference, Pécs — Magyarország

58th ERSA Congress, Cork — Írország

49th ERSA Congress, Lódz — Lengyelország

56th ERSA Congress, Bécs — Ausztria

5th Global Conference on Economic Geography, Köln — Németország

2nd Workshop on Evolutionary Economic Geography, Szeged — Magyarország

RSA Central and Eastern Europena Conference, Kolozsvár — Románia

Socio-Economic, Environmental and Regional Aspects of a Circular Economy, Pécs — Magyarország

Regional disparities in Central and Eastern Europe. International conference, Smolenice — Szlovákia

Evolutionary Economic Geography in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest — Magyarország

Language skills Language skills

English (CEFR level C1)

German (CEFR level B1)

Italian (CEFR level A1)

Awards Awards

2022RTB Publication award

2008HAS Centre for Regional Studies Youth Researcher Scholarship

2005OTDK, 4th place

2003OTDK, 4th place