Kecskemét, June 6, 2024, the HUN-REN KRTK RKI ATO Kecskemét Group submitted the documentation for the Development Concept and Program of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve Sand Ridge to the Development Council. The Sand Ridge region faces a polycrisis and is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Consequently, regional development and environmental protection are of paramount importance in this area. In the background analysis of the concept, we assessed the region’s characteristics and risks, identifying potential breakout points. Based on this analysis, the strategic section, developed with stakeholder input, outlines the vision of creating a climate-resilient Great Plain region with valuable cultural landscapes and livable settlements. To achieve this, we developed a complex system of objectives, which includes three general and three horizontal goals, along with five region-specific goals, addressing the complex spatial structure and highly diverse local challenges. The concept also emphasizes the need for swift action in the Sand Ridge area, as environmental degradation will make future development efforts increasingly costly.
This concept, commissioned by the Danube-Tisza Interfluve Sand Ridge Regional Development Council, was initiated in late 2022 and can be downloaded from The project was led by Senior Research Fellow Jenő Zsolt Farkas, with contributions from KRTK members József Lennert, Edit Hoyk, András Donát Kovács, Ágnes Óvári, Ádám Szalai, and Gábor Vasárus.