International conference
Pécs, Hungary
24–25 February 2011


Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Hungarian Regional Science Association
University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics


Registration (online registration is now closed)

Applicants from non EU27 Balkan countries
Applicants from EU27 (or other) countries except for Hungary
Applicants from Hungary



First circular

Photogallery (new!)



University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics, The Great Hall (Dr. Halasy-Nagy József Aula) (Pécs, Rákóczi street 80.)
Map (jpg)


Objective of the Conference

The Conference is organised jointly by the Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Hungarian Regional Science Association and the Faculty of Economics and Business of University of Pécs. Presentations will build upon results of research project undertaken by the Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and OECD LEED Trento Centre for Local Development, Employment and Labour Markets. The books published in English and Hungarian languages will be released at the Conference and participants will discuss its key findings. The conference aims to foster opportunities for discussion and dialogue among policy makers, researchers, students, tertiary education practitioners, professional associations, representatives of academic staff and other stakeholders.



Five plenary sessions will be held during the Conference. The languages of the Conference are Hungarian and English, interpretation will be provided.


24th February

Plenary session 1 Chair: Gyula Horváth

10.00–10.15      Welcome address

Zsolt Páva mayor, City of Pécs

Gábor Rappai dean, Faculty of Business and Economics of University of Pécs

10.15–10.30      Gyula Horváth director, professor, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Business and Economics of University of Pécs

Conference objectives

10.30–10.50      Zoltán Hajdú scientific advisor, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Political transition and the new Balkan states

10.50–11.10      István Loránd Szakáli director of department, Ministry for National Economy State Secretariat for Foreign Economic Affairs

Hungary and Western Balkan countries on the road towards economic integration. An opportunity or a necessity?

11.10–11.30      Iván Illés scientific advisor, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Dilemmas surrounding EU accession

11.30–11.50      Patrick Dubarle former principal administrator at the OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, secretary of the OECD Working Party on Regional Development Policies, Paris

Regional development and entreprise

11.50–12.10      Franz Schausberger Professor, Chairman of the Board, Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE), Salzburg, Chairman of the Working group on Western Balkans of the Committee of the Regions

Subsidiarity, regionalism, decentralisation in the Balkans

12.10–12.30      Debate and comments

12.30–14.00      Lunch (on the 3rd floor)

Plenary session 2 Chair: Zoltán Hajdú

14.00–14.20      István Pásztor vice-president of the Executive Council of Autonomous Province Vojvodina and provincial secretary for economy, Novi Sad

The development difficulties of a region in the Balkans: the case of Vojvodina

14.20–14.40      Ferenc Erdősi scientific advisor, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Transport in the Balkans

14.40–15.00      Imre Csalagovits head of VÁTI Hungarian Public Nonprofit Limited Liability Company for Regional Development, South East European Joint Technical Secretariat

Transnational co-operation and the Balkans – The South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme

15.00–15.20      János Isaszegi major general, Hungarian Defence Forces

Social, political conflicts – military responses in the Balkans, 1991–1999

15.20–16.00      Coffee break

Discussion forum Chair: László Faragó

16.00–17.30      Debate and comments

19.00 Reception (Hotel Palatinus, Bartók Hall)


25th February

Plenary session 3 Chair: László Faragó

9.00–9.20         Ilona Pálné Kovács head of Transdanubian Research Institute Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, professor, Faculty of Humanities of University of Pécs

Transformation of the territorial system of public administration

9.20–9.40         Gábor Lux research fellow, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Disintegration and restructuring of the industry

9.40–10.00        Zoltán Gál senior research fellow, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Transformation of the financial sector

10.00–10.20      Szilárd Rácz scientific secretary, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Urban network of the Western Balkans

10.20–11.00      Coffee break

Plenary session 4 Chair: Zoltán Hajdú

11.00–11.20      Tamás Hardi senior research fellow, Western Hungarian Research Institute Centre for Regional Studies of HAS

Rural areas of the Balkans

11.20–11.40      Zoltán Pámer advisor, South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency

Regional development policies

11.40–12.20      Debate, comments

12.20–12.30      Gyula Horváth Closing speech. About the results and further directions of the research

12.30–14.00      Lunch (on the 3rd floor)


Conference publications


in Hungarian
Centre for Regional Studies
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Pécs, 2010          614 p.




Centre for Regional Studies
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Pécs, 2011           640 p. 




To be booked individually. The conference service provider: the Hotel Palatinus City Center ***. Registration form of Hotel Palatinus City Center. More information about the opportunities at


Local organization

Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Katalin Süle, head of department
Tel: +36 72 523 824
Fax: +36 72 523 803



The Conference is part of the project titled "The Socialisation of Regional Science" whose beneficiary is the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The Conference is sponsored by the European Union and co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Ministry for National Development and Economy.



The project is sponsored
by the European Union and
co-financed by the European Social Fund .