György Enyedi 1930–2012

The Institute of Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences sadly announces the death of Professor György Enyedi, a Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the first Director-general of the predecessor Centre for Regional Studies, the former Vice-President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the International Geographical Union. György Enyedi passed away on September 10, 2012 in Budapest, following a long battle with incurable illness. He was the founder of regional science in Hungary. Enyedi’s funeral service will be held October 8, at 14:15 at Farkasréti Cemetery, Budapest.

György Enyedi nominated Honorary Member of World Society of Ekistics

Academic Professor György Enyedi was designated Honorary Member of the World Society of Ekistics during its General Assembly held in Antalya (Turkey) The Society (and its journal, Ekistics) was founded by Doxiadis (1913–1975), one of the most influential urbanists of the 20th century in 1965 and operates as a consultative, non-governmental organ of the UNO. The Society, owner and publisher of Ekistics Journal, is a prestigious organ of settlement sciences. Through its holistic approach of urban research and planning, the Society’s aim is to seek solutions to social conflicts caused by the enhanced speed of urban growth. The number of worldwide members is limited to no more than 200, honorary members are chosen from the Society’s full members.