INNOAXIS – The borderline as an axis of innovation

The final conference of the Serbian-Hungarian IPA project called “INNOAXIS – The borderline as an axis of innovation” was organised by the Centre for Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA RKK) – as the lead partner of the project – with cooperation of the Regional Scientific Association (RTT) and the Local Government of Mórahalom. This important event of the project was held in Baja on 19th July 2011. The main aim of the conference was to introduce the prepared documents: the Economic Operative Program and the Human Operative Program. The professional lectures also presented at the conference revealed the developmental and cooperation opportunities of the border regions.

Cooperation between science and the business sector – Smart cities in Hungary

Head of Institute Mihály Lados presented the study prepared by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Regional Studies West Hungarian Research Institute titled „Smart cities” in the building of the Veszprém Academic Committee of Sciences on June 2, 2011. The press conference presenting the results of the research commissioned by IBM Hungary was opened by Minister of Public Administration and Justice Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics, dean of the University of Pannonia Faculty of Information Technology Ferenc Friedler and Zsolt Veres CEO of IBM Hungary.

Regional universities as creators of an inter-state knowledge

The closing event of the project “UNIREG IMPULSE” of the Hungary-Croatia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 was held at the Main Hall of the Municipality of Baranya County in Pécs on the 4th of May, 2011. During the conference titled “The regional development role of universities”, besides the presentation of the general results and activities related to the programme, the four working groups (spatial and strategic planning, rural development, environmental protection, university knowledge transfer) also presented the theme-specific results and experiences of their 16-month-long research. The presentations of invited speakers sharing with participants their practical experiences and realisations further raised the standard of this event.

International conference on “Regional Transformation Processes in the Western Balkan Countries”

The Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Hungarian Regional Science Association and the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs organise a Conference presenting the results of the research performed jointly by the Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and OECD to all those interested. English and Hungarian language volumes containing the research results will be released during the event. The objective of the free conference is the wide popularisation of the results and methodology of regional science. The conference aims to foster opportunities for discussion and dialogue among represenatives of Western Balkan countries, policy makers, researchers, students, tertiary education practitioners, professional associations, representatives of academic staff and other stakeholders.

The Role of Environmental Industry in the Regional Reindustrialisation in Hungary

The economic crisis processes, going on in the world and having detrimental effects on Hungary too, have once again drawn academic attention to the issues of reindustrialisation. Within the issue of reindustrialisation, an issue of primary importance, the issues related to the role of environmental industry are given special emphasis, in connection with the processes of global climate change. Environmental industry, using the achievements of the academic sector, is expected to be the sector with the most dynamically expanding market both in the international arena and in Hungary. The papers of this book deal with the Hungarian characteristics and possibilities of environmental industry, each chapter was written on the different segments of this industry The recently published book was edited by Béla Baranyi and István Fodor.

Pro Regio Award granted to the HAS Centre for Regional Studies

The Centre for Regional Studies of HAS was granted the most highly regarded award in the area of regional development. The Pro Regio Award was handed out to the leading institute of regional sciences by Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai on March 15, in recognition of its outstanding contribution to regional science and the elaboration of Hungarian territorial development theories.