Integrated Urban Development of Vital Historic Towns as Regional Centres in South East Europe

The objective of the project was developing historical towns to remain attractive places by preserving their heritage and improving the quality of public spaces, and meanwhile, to retain their role as regional centres, i.e. foci of economic activities, social inclusion and identity. To achieve it, the project was focused on capacity building of local governments and other stakeholders to develop good urban governance practices in planning and implementing revitalization. The Békéscsaba Department supported the transnational cooperation in the project, to facilitate the share of existing knowledge and best practices as well as to work parallel on different tasks of urban development in a higher intensity and such with a broader added value for the SEE area. The RCERS team worked on transnational knowledge management and exchange in cooperation with the researchers of the Primorska University (Koper) and of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, moreover, with local experts of urban planning and management in 9 towns/regions within the SEE area.