INNOAXIS – The borderline as an axis of innovation

The final conference of the Serbian-Hungarian IPA project called “INNOAXIS – The borderline as an axis of innovation” was organised by the Centre for Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA RKK) – as the lead partner of the project – with cooperation of the Regional Scientific Association (RTT) and the Local Government of Mórahalom. This important event of the project was held in Baja on 19th July 2011. The main aim of the conference was to introduce the prepared documents: the Economic Operative Program and the Human Operative Program. The professional lectures also presented at the conference revealed the developmental and cooperation opportunities of the border regions.

Regional universities as creators of an inter-state knowledge

The closing event of the project “UNIREG IMPULSE” of the Hungary-Croatia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 was held at the Main Hall of the Municipality of Baranya County in Pécs on the 4th of May, 2011. During the conference titled “The regional development role of universities”, besides the presentation of the general results and activities related to the programme, the four working groups (spatial and strategic planning, rural development, environmental protection, university knowledge transfer) also presented the theme-specific results and experiences of their 16-month-long research. The presentations of invited speakers sharing with participants their practical experiences and realisations further raised the standard of this event.