Iván Illés research professor emeritus

With the approval of the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the director general of the CERS appointed Iván Illés, scientific advisor of the Transdanubian Research Department research professor emeritus as of 1st of July 2013. Iván Illés is a great authority on regional economics and planning, EU policies and development of Central and Eastern Europe. He has obtained non perishable merits in the domestication of Hungarian regional science and institution building, and the establishment of the links between basic and applied research.
Györgyi Barta research professor emerita

With the approval of the president of the HAS the director general of the CERS appointed Györgyi Barta, scientific advisor of the Central and North Hungarian Research Department research professor emerita as of 1st of July 2013. Györgyi Barta is an internationally recognized researcher whose research areas include the spatial structural relations of the economy, industrial and enterprise geography of Hungary, socio-economical development of Budapest region. From January 2011 she is editor-in-chief of Space and Society scientific journal, and will continue to assume this task in the future upon the request of the leadership of the Institute.
Book on Territorial cohesion in Europe published – For the 70th Anniversary of the Transdanubian Research Institute

The book contains the papers of an international scientific conference which was organised for the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Transdanubian Research Institute. The authors representing the main current of regional science – among others Andreas Faludi, Michael Keating, Anssi Paasi, Robert Leonardi, John Bachtler, Riccardo Cappellin – have also contributed with their papers in the 516 page long English language book. The jubilee book was edited by professor Ilona Pálné Kovács, James Scott visiting professor of the institute and Zoltán Gál senior research fellow. The book is available in electronic format at the link below.