Katalin Kovács new Director of the Institute of Regional Studies

With the approval of the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the Director General of the of HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies appointed Katalin Kovács, senior researh fellow, head of the Central and North Hungarian Research Department director of the Institute of Regional Studies as of January 4, 2017.
Welcome at the portal of Institute for Regional Studies

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New Ideas and New Generations of Regional Policy in Eastern Europe

The international conference organised by the Institute of Regional Studies titled „New Ideas and New Generations of Regional Policy in Eastern Europe” was organised in Pécs between April 7-8. Over 150 participants from 15 countries attended the conference, where the successful work was conducted in 8 thematic sessions (socio-economic inequalities, regional policy, cohesion, sustainability, migration, border regions, territorial capital, rural innovations, smart city). A major objective of the event, alongside the presentation of the most state-of-the art results of territorial researches and the debate on current questions was to contribute to strengthening the international relationships of researchers and to encourage new cooperations. The conference was opened by Ádám Török, secretary general of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Ilona Pálné Kovács director of Institute for Regional Studies. The plenary lectures was presented by excellent scientists as Simin Davoudi, Dominic Stead, Giancarlo Cotella, Gabriel Badescu. The conference presentations and abstracts are available on following link.
Obituary – Professor Dr. Gyula Horváth (1951-2015)

Hungarian social science has suffered a great loss with the tragically sudden death of Gyula Horváth. Gyula Horváth was for 15 years Director-General of the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, he was also scientific advisor of the HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, professor of the University of Pécs and Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Gyula Horváth would have been 64 years old on the 4th of October.