Ilona Pálné Kovács, scientific advisor of the Institute for Regional Studies of CERS HAS was elected by the General Assembly of the HAS corresponding member of HAS on the 6th of May 2013. Ilona Pálné Kovács (born in Pécs, 1954) graduated as a lawyer (1978), CSc in political science (1988), DSc in regional science (2000). From 2002 she has been a full time professor at the Department for Political Studies of University of Pécs, founder and head of the doctoral programme. She has been a researcher of the Transdanubian Research Institute from 1978, between 1997-2012 she was the director of TRI. Her scientific field covers local and territorial governance, the institutional aspects of regional policy. Her outstanding publication activity – 393 titles, 7 individual and 28 edited volumes – are justified by over a 1000 references. She has been the theme leader of several domestic and international research projects (among them 3 framework programmes). She utilises her scientific results in practice in domestic decision support and expert activities. The interdisciplinary character of her research is justified by the simultaneous use of the approaches of public administrative sciences, regional science and political science.