In its eight-decade history, the Institute has gone through several eras. Despite the many challenges, the DTI has become an internationally renowned and respected centre for regional science, has maintained its image and professional credibility through organisational change and has always been able to build on its past and continuously renew itself. The main periods of the Institute:

DTI 1943-1954: The first decade of foundation and operation under the supervision of the Ministry of Education.
DTI 1955-1983: From becoming an academic research centre to an interdisciplinary research institute.
MTA RKK DTI 1984-2011: Headquarters and base of the multidisciplinary research centre.
KRTK RKI DTO 2012-: A multidisciplinary research institute reorganised after the “reforms”.

To commemorate the anniversary of the founding, we will talk at a round table on 27. april 2023 about the first two periods, the four decades of the independent DTI, with colleagues who joined the institute in the 1960s and 1970s and who still knew the founding generation well. This was the period when the DTI, always based on interdisciplinary foundations, developed from a landscape research institute (Pécs, Baranya, Transdanubia, Balkans) into one of the most important Central and Eastern European workshops for spatial development and environmental research.


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