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Jonathan McCombs

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Tanulmányok Tanulmányok

2009 - Saint Edwards University,

2011 - Central European University
Sociology and Social Anthropology

2022 - University of Georgia

Munkahelyek Munkahelyek

Felsőoktatási tevékenység Felsőoktatási tevékenység

2020 - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Department of Geography and Anthropology

Kutatási területek Kutatási területek

East European urbanization, critical property studies, governmentality, biopolitics, critical Romani studies, the racial state

Publikációk Publikációk

2024“‘From Liberation to Freedom: Governing the Ghetto in Post-War Hungary” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 42(5-6) Pp. 625-644.

2021“The Biopolitics of Displacement: Komfortfokozat, Roma and Post- Socialist Gentrification in Budapest’s Eighth District.” Eds. G. Baeten, C Listerborn, E Pull, and M Persdotter. Housing Displacement: Conceptual and Methodological Issues. London, UK: Routledge Publishing

2018“The Class-to-Race Cascade: Interrogating Racial Neoliberalism in Romani Studies and Urban Policy in Budapest’s Eighth District.” Critical Romani Studies. Vol. 1(2). Pp 24-39.

Tanulmányutak Tanulmányutak

Előadások Előadások

2023 Budapest, Hungary. Exploring Racial Capitalisms: Critical Romani Studies in Central and Eastern Europe. “Whiteness as (Post)Socialist Property: Racial Governmentality and Property Transformation in Post-War Hungary.”

2018, Dec Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Center for Regional Studies “Racial Governmentality as Urban Strategy: Romani Racialization and the Gentrification of Budapest’s Eighth District.”

2018, Aug Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Institute: Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences. “Racial Governmentality as Urban Strategy: Romani Racialization and the Gentrification of Budapest’s Eighth District.”

2018 Liverpool, England. University of Liverpool, Department of Geography. “Intra-Bordering in the Post-Socialist City: Territorial Stigmatization and Securitization in the Gentrification of Budapest’s Eighth District

Nyelvtudás Nyelvtudás

Díjak,elismerések Díjak,elismerések

2018Fulbright Student Research Award, Hungary $14,750 Center for Economic and Regional Studies – Békéscsaba and Budapest

2016American Association of Geographers Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group, Field Grant Award