Jonathan McCombs
külső munkatárs
2009 - Saint Edwards University,
2011 - Central European University
Sociology and Social Anthropology
2022 - University of Georgia
Felsőoktatási tevékenység
2020 - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Department of Geography and Anthropology
Kutatási területek
East European urbanization, critical property studies, governmentality, biopolitics, critical Romani studies, the racial state
2024“‘From Liberation to Freedom: Governing the Ghetto in Post-War Hungary” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 42(5-6) Pp. 625-644. https://doi.org/10.1177/02637758241250180
2021“The Biopolitics of Displacement: Komfortfokozat, Roma and Post- Socialist Gentrification in Budapest’s Eighth District.” Eds. G. Baeten, C Listerborn, E Pull, and M Persdotter. Housing Displacement: Conceptual and Methodological Issues. London, UK: Routledge Publishing
2018“The Class-to-Race Cascade: Interrogating Racial Neoliberalism in Romani Studies and Urban Policy in Budapest’s Eighth District.” Critical Romani Studies. Vol. 1(2). Pp 24-39.
2023 Budapest, Hungary. Exploring Racial Capitalisms: Critical Romani Studies in Central and Eastern Europe. “Whiteness as (Post)Socialist Property: Racial Governmentality and Property Transformation in Post-War Hungary.”
2018, Dec Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Center for Regional Studies “Racial Governmentality as Urban Strategy: Romani Racialization and the Gentrification of Budapest’s Eighth District.”
2018, Aug Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Institute: Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences. “Racial Governmentality as Urban Strategy: Romani Racialization and the Gentrification of Budapest’s Eighth District.”
2018 Liverpool, England. University of Liverpool, Department of Geography. “Intra-Bordering in the Post-Socialist City: Territorial Stigmatization and Securitization in the Gentrification of Budapest’s Eighth District
2018Fulbright Student Research Award, Hungary $14,750 Center for Economic and Regional Studies – Békéscsaba and Budapest
2016American Association of Geographers Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group, Field Grant Award